Sunday, January 3, 2010

Concept Sample: Traction Mat to Free Electrical Energy

Reduce>  Reuse> Recycle > Rethink> Repair

Traction Mat to Free Electrical Energy-
Having been thinking about this on and off over the last two decades...

If the drivers of vehicles cruising down a slope chose a lane with a traction mat that transferred pressure on its surface to a sort of ratcheted recoil, which in turn on achieving its threshold, released stored energy to drive a dynamo, we could harness quite a bit of electrical energy for 'free'. Vehicles driving over the 'traction mat' lane could accumulate points redeemable at service stations state-wide (of course, this would need the associated legislation).

What do you think? Is this doable? What are the variations to this concept? One that comes to mind immediately would be 'Speed bump -> Electrical Energy'